Can You Go Bowling While Pregnant?

Going bowling while pregnant might seem like a risky thing to do.

However, this isn’t always the case. In some instances, you need to take greater care of yourself. That’s when carrying a heavy bowling ball could be risky for you. 

So, it all depends on your condition during your pregnancy. But how do you know if it’s safe for you?

Of course, the best way to know for sure is to listen to your own body and to take the recommendations of your health professionals. Let’s take a look at this a little deeper to give you a better idea.

Can You Go Bowling if Pregnant?

The list of do’s and don’ts is a long one during the pregnancy period. At times, it means you have to give up your favorite habits or activities. Maybe you can’t go for your morning jog, or you have to say goodbye to the gym for a little while.

You grab a bowling ball, run down the alley, throw it hard at the pins, and bam! It’s a strike! 

How do you give up something so exciting just like that? Can you still bowl while you are pregnant? Or do you have to wait for your body to be in record-breaking shape again?

It’s good news – you can bowl during pregnancy as long as you are careful and don’t push it to your limits. However, don’t read stuff on Google and start doing it in real life. We strongly recommend you visit your doctor before you start bowling during your pregnancy. 

Should You Avoid Bowling When Pregnant?

Pregnancies are different for everyone. What is safe for you can be harmful for another woman. 

So, should you avoid bowling altogether when pregnant? The best person to ask this question is your doctor. 

An important factor in deciding your bowling future is the pregnancy month. For example, in the more mature months of the pregnancy, your body goes through major changes. These are not only physical, chemical, and hormonal too. 

These changes alter the way your body behaves, and in some cases, they can prevent you from performing the most basic tasks. 

The release of the “relaxin” hormone causes your body parts to relax. This also affects your limbs and smaller body parts, such as your fingers.

As a result, you will end up losing your grip and might throw things off. In such a state when your body is much more relaxed, bowling can be dangerous. And therefore, you should avoid it. 

So, if you don’t necessarily have to go bowling, and you can live without it during your pregnancy, then it’s preferable to avoid it. But if you still really want to go and hit a strike, it’s recommended to be careful. 

If you are bowling during your pregnancy, it’s good to know what you are in for – the risks of a beautiful game. 

How Safe Is Bowling During Pregnancy?

Bowling involves physical exertion. Since you are picking up the ball and throwing it, you must push your body more. The sudden changes in your posture and balance, and potential strain development on your back are some things to be aware of.

But the most important factor to be considered is the risk of falling. If you fall while you are pregnant, it could be dangerous for the mother and the baby. 

If your healthcare provider gives you a green signal to go bowling, we recommend you keep the safety checks in mind. There are certain ways you can make your bowling experience safer during pregnancy. 

How To Bowl Safely During Pregnancy

Here are a few things you must be careful about when bowling during your pregnancy:

Use Proper Form

If you bowl during your pregnancy, it most probably indicates your strong affiliation with the sport. This means you know the proper form of bowling.

This includes using the right technique without slacking off. Make your movement slower, controlled, and smoother to avoid any sudden jerks. Also, keep your balance so you don’t end up taking a fall. 


  • Don’t overstrain your back while lifting or throwing the ball.
  • Keep your back straight.
  • Keep your knees bent.
  • Properly warm up before going into the game.

Be Cautious with Weight

Lifting any type of weight during pregnancy is often frowned upon. With bowling, let’s not forget that you have to lift the bowling ball off the rack and then throw it hard down the lane. To avoid any mishaps, you should choose the lightest bowling ball available. 

Note: A heavier bowling ball can also compromise your balance, and you may end up falling.

Wear Comfort Insoles

Insoles have a major impact on your bowling experience. Especially during pregnancy, choosing comfortable insoles is crucial. Go with arched insoles as they distribute your weight evenly across your feet, providing you with better balance. 

Tip: Choose insoles with additional cushioning and shock absorption as they allow you to perform repetitive movements without taking a toll on your feet. They can also minimize any sudden jerks that you might experience. 

Stay Hydrated

A major source of painful contractions during pregnancy is dehydration. If you are playing for a longer spell, you might also experience mild sweating. All this adds to your body’s water loss. In such circumstances, it’s crucial to stay hydrated. So, be sure to drink plenty of water.

Don’t Skip Out on Food

Having proper meals during your pregnancy is as important as taking your medication. If you are skipping a meal, you are risking feeling faint, not getting enough energy or nutrients, and more, so of course, going bowling on an empty stomach whilst pregnant can be risky.

The Benefits of Bowling for Pregnant Women

It is not rocket science; physical activity and exercise can help keep you healthy and active. The same rule applies to pregnant women.

Bowling is a mild sport that doesn’t involve intense physical activity like some other sports. This makes it perfect for pregnant women to achieve their physical activity goals. 

Here are a few health benefits that pregnant women experience when bowling:

It Helps Improve Flexibility and Stamina

Mostly, pregnant women have very restricted movement throughout their days. This can make them rusty and lazy. Bowling during your pregnancy can help you stay in shape.

It increases your stamina and flexibility. This also has a positive impact on your other everyday chores. But most importantly, it helps you beat that laziness where you don’t feel like getting out of bed. 

It Helps Relieve Stress

Pregnancy stress is a well-known phenomenon. All the changing hormones and a constant physical burden can take a toll on your mental health.

Bowling can help get your mind off the negative things as you go to the alley, grab a ball, and enjoy that dopamine rush every time you hit some pins. All of this can give you a sense of accomplishment.

It Lifts Your Mood

Involving yourself in light physical activities such as bowling can improve your mood. They can also help overcome the feeling of fatigue and increase the overall energy levels.

When you go bowling, you interact with other people, which has a positive impact on your mental wellbeing. 

How to Make Bowling More Comfortable for Pregnant Women?

Bowling is a mild sport with moderate physical activity. But for pregnant women, the game can always be made a little safer and more comfortable. 

If you are bowling during your pregnancy, you should try to make the sport more enjoyable and safer.

Choose Comfortable Clothing

Wear loose clothing with soft fabric. Comfortable clothes are important for you to enjoy your game. Loose clothes also provide you with greater mobility. Thus improving your overall bowling experience. 

Take Breaks

Even though bowling is a mild sport, it can become hectic if you are pregnant. With excessive body weight, you don’t want to push yourself too much.

So, taking breaks is the best way to help your body cope with the additional exertion. 

Good Bowling Buddies

Going bowling with friends or family members who can motivate you and are supportive. Your bowling company has a great impact on your bowling experience.

It’s recommended to go bowling with people who are aware of your pregnancy and who will be supportive of your needs. 

Using a Ball Ramp

Using a ball ramp can assist you in ball delivery. It allows you to release the ball on the lane without bending too much. Thus making the process much more comfortable and stress-free.

Choosing a Lane Closer to the Bathroom

Going to the bathroom frequently is common for pregnant women. Although this isn’t always possible, choosing the closest lane to the bathroom can reduce your walking distance. 

Watch Out for Cold Temperatures

Bowling alleys are mostly installed with air conditions. This means it will be cold inside, and you can get chilled quickly.

To avoid this, we recommend you wear layers of clothing. So, if you get too warm once you start playing, you can take some layers off and comfortably play.

Use a Pregnancy Belt

Pregnancy belt is quite common for pregnant women. It provides you additional support on your back. This contributes to the pressure that your back is supporting by itself. Hence helping you with lifting and throwing movements during bowling.  

Signs You Should Stop Bowling for Your Safety

You can be doing everything right and still end up hurting yourself during the game. But when do you know you should give yourself a break and stop bowling? 

Pain in Your Pelvic Area 

Pain in the pelvic area is a symptom of something serious. It is often accompanied by vaginal bleeding, dizziness, chest pain, and swelling in the legs.

These signs clearly show that something is wrong. At this point, you must stop bowling or any other physical activity and visit the doctor in an emergency.  


Bowling while pregnant can be healthy or unhealthy, depending on your particular case. It is advised to visit your doctor before you run down the bowling alley.

If your doctor gives you a green signal to bowl, you still want to take special precautions about how you bowl. If played with care, bowling during pregnancy can have positive effects on your mental and physical well-being.

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