What’s Inside in a Bowling Ball? Everything You Need to Know

I consider bowling to be a sport that you can enjoy either on your own or with loved ones. It’s a great way to spend quality time as a family, and I can enjoy it as a hobby or as a game to show my competitive spirit. 

Playing in different bowling alleys has allowed me to experience different bowling balls, and I have seen a difference with each game.

This sparked my interest in studying the contents of bowling balls and their characteristics to curate my preferences for a better game.

I will be sharing with you the different components of a bowling ball and how these can be useful in determining the perfect bowling ball for a successful game.

What’s Inside a Bowling Ball?

At first, I thought that bowling balls were made of solid material alone, but after doing some research, I realized that the science behind the bowling ball is much more complex than that. 

Bowling balls have 3 cores: the shell, the filler core, and the weight block. We will take a look at each one below.

The Shell

The shell, which is the outer core that we can see, is usually made of either polyester or polyurethane. The unique thing about this is that these materials have different effects on your bowling ball.

Polyester makes it easier to throw in a straight line, while polyurethane is more reactive, so it can hit more pins. Polyurethane is typically preferred by intermediate or professional bowlers for this reason. 


Looking deeper, we’ll find the filler core, which indicates the ball’s final weight. It is made of dense materials, such as polyester mixed with resin or glass beads and microbubble, which is used by manufacturers to adjust the weight of the ball without deforming it. 

Weight Block

The manufacturers study how to adjust the filler core so that it can support the weight block, as seen on the inner core of the ball. The weight block is the heaviest part of the ball and has a big impact on the ball’s performance. 

Shape and size differ for each ball, customized scientifically to make it efficient on the bowling lane. 

What’s Inside a Cheap Bowling Ball?

There are two common factors found in cheap bowling balls. The first is polyester, which can be found in the shell. Polyester tends to be cheaper than urethane and is the common material used in shells at bowling alleys.

Another characteristic of cheap bowling balls is the shape of their core. Cheap bowling balls are constructed to have a symmetrical central core to prevent them from deviating from the player’s bowling line. 

If you observe cheap bowling balls, you’ll notice that it’s perfect for throwing a straight line due to their composition.

Are Bowling Balls Created Equally?

Bowling balls are not created equally. Balls made for professionals are created to be more reactive so players can have more control. On the other hand, balls for beginners are designed for a straight strike, something we commonly see in alleys. 

Another factor is the pricing of balls. Cheaper balls have polyester/plastic shells and are constructed to have a symmetrical central core to avoid deviating from the player’s bowling line. 

It’s something that can be frustrating when I want to play an “all-professional” game since I have to accustom myself to make a straight throw that can take down all pins in one go. 

Another factor is longevity; premium ones, or bowling balls made out of urethane, usually last ten years on average, whereas polyester balls don’t last as long.

How Older Bowling Balls Compare to Newer Ones?

Before 1905, bowling balls were made of pure wood. Eventually, they progressed to rubber, then plastic, then urethane, then resin. They were also created with specific holes around the ball to create balance.

Through time, scientific research changed the style of the balls to have more dynamic features. Every now and then, manufacturers update the style to increase the efficiency of the ball.

It is said that these frequent updates keep the balls from being on the market for over two years.

Are Expensive Balls Made Differently?

Expensive bowling balls are constructed differently than cheaply made balls. As opposed to cheap balls, expensive ones are built asymmetrically, increasing the ball’s reactivity so players can curve the ball instead of only being able to throw it in a straight line. 

I noticed that expensive balls tend to be more dynamic in terms of weight distribution.

These balls are favored by professional players as they can strategically adjust their throwing techniques to target their goals more effectively.

Strategies can go as simple as hitting ball A first so the bowling ball can curve towards Ball C, and so on.

As previously stated, expensive bowling balls also last longer as they are meant to be used by professional players, on average, they can last up to 150-300 games.

How a Bowling Ball’s Construction Affects Gameplay?

Finding a bowling ball that responds to the player’s unique style is crucial for a successful game. More specifically, the physical design of the bowling ball can greatly influence the player’s overall performance. 

Bowling balls with shells made out of polyester have low friction, allowing them to slide smoothly along bowling lanes.

Shells made out of urethane create more friction with oil so they are harder to navigate in bowling alley settings compared to plastic bowling balls.

However, they are easier to navigate on un-oiled surfaces or complicated bowling terrains, making them ideal for professionals. 

Symmetrical inner cores are typically lighter and are usually found on polyester bowling balls. The weight distribution makes it easy to direct the ball; however, these balls don’t produce as much energy, so they have less chance of knocking down bowling pins. 

These balls are ideal for beginners who are just starting to study the physics of bowling. 

Asymmetrical inner cores, on the other hand, have a similar shape to a light bulb and tend to be heavier as manufacturers can adjust the weight to have a more reactive ball.

Unlike symmetrical cores, asymmetrical cores tend to wobble on the bowling lane due to the energy produced by its force, making it more impactful in hitting the bowling pins. It is designed to create more hooks, which allows it to make a curved path towards the pins.

This is ideal for professionals since they can develop their own strategy and control the curve of the ball.


Learning about bowling balls means learning the process as well. Even the simple science of the game and the material will help us come up with the best strategies suited to our own skills. 

Whether you’re starting your bowling journey or you’re a seasoned professional, it’s very important to know what’s inside your bowling ball so you can find the right fit for your needs.  

Knowing the composition of bowling balls will also make you appreciate the research dedicated to creating the perfect product. Everything about the ball is well thought out, from its function to its design, down to its inner core.

Keep in mind that bowling balls are not just randomly made; their construction has been researched thoroughly to accommodate a player’s skill and strategy.

Overall, to enjoy bowling, I advise that you understand the different types of balls and how they can best complement your unique skill set.

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