6 Bowling Drinking Games That are not to be Missed

Are you looking for a fun way to enjoy weekend nights with your friends? 

What if we tell you that there is one game that you’ll love? And if you mix it with drinking, it becomes even better. 

That’s right, we are talking about bowling drinking games! 

Bowling drinking games combine the fun sport of bowling with the lively spirit of a drinking game. You end up having an unforgettable experience with your friends. 

So, let’s explore these games together. 

6 Bowling Drinking Games

When it comes to bowling and drinking games, creativity knows no bounds. From casual sips to daring shots, these games take your bowling night to a new level of fun. 

Here are some of the most popular ones to consider:

1. Beer Bowling (Sips)

This is a classic game! The rules here are simple: You are to take a sip of beer for every pin you cannot knock down. 

But if you knock down all the pins in the first throw, the player next to you must drink their entire drink. Achieving a spare allows you to select a group member to take two sips.

It’s a game of pacing yourself; the more you strike, the more you’re spared from consuming your drink. It’s an entertaining blend of skill and sips. 

The essence of sportsmanship builds as each player’s performance influences the rate at which they consume drinks. This leads to both cheers and groans echoing throughout the alley. 

Beer Bowling is a go-to choice in the world of bowling that has a spirited twist. 

2. Beer Bowling (Shots)

Beer bowling with shots is that game that is for the truly hardcore. In this game, all you have to do is take full-on shots instead of sips of beer. 

You will have to take a shot for every PN standing. But if you want to make the game even more thrilling, there are other rules. These rules are simple; for every strike you score, you get to assign someone for two shots.

Meanwhile, a spare lets you pick one lucky contender for a single shot. Ideally, this game is best if there are at least 8 to 10 participants. The blend of bowling skill and the daring challenge of shots makes the game electrifying. 

It’s bound to keep the fun rolling throughout the game!

3. Strike and Order

Amongst the variety of bowling and drinking games, this is one that is simply elegant.

The rules are simple: if you score a strike, you get to issue an alcohol-related order to a fellow player. You could assign tasks such as taking a shot or polishing off a drink.

Similarly, a spare also gets you the authority to assign an order. However, these orders are typically of a milder nature. If nobody gets a strike or spare, then the player who knocks down the most pins in a frame gets to order around. 

This game adds an interactive and unpredictable layer to the bowling experience. This is where skill meets strategy, which creates an engaging cocktail of competition and camaraderie.

4. King/Queen Pin

You can feel like a real monarch with this game. The King/Queen Pin rulemaker stands out among the bundle of bowling and drinking games. 

The concept is simple yet impactful. The bowler who can knock down the most pins in a single turn receives the title “King” or “Queen” Pin.

As you become the King or the Queen, you issue an order that all players must follow throughout the game.

Typically, before each turn, players bet on themselves or others to hit the king or queen pin. This pin is the fifth one. If the selected player hits the king/queen pin, they get to distribute drinks among the others. 

But if they miss, they’re supposed to take the drinks. It’s a game of predictions and precision. In this game, every roll holds the promise of a surprising twist.

5. Bowling Roulette

As the name suggests, bowling Roulette adds an element of chance to the mix. 

Before rolling, each player spins a small wheel with different actions on it. These actions may include sipping a drink, swapping scores, or switching lanes.

The action on the wheel determines what each player has to do after their turn. These add an element of unpredictability that keeps everyone on their toes.

This game is designed for a minimum of four players. But the more, the merrier is the motto! 

Bowling Roulette amplifies the excitement of your alley adventure. After everyone completes two frames of bowling, the player with the lowest score is determined. Their fate spins as they engage with the “roulette wheel.”

Bowling Roulette strikes a balance between suspense and sociability. It infuses your night with an extra dose of delight.

It can be played with any number of people, making the game more fun and enjoyable. It gives players the chance to have fun while playing their beloved game.

6. Gutter Drunk

In this humorous take on bowling, players compete to avoid the gutter at all costs. Each time players land in the gutter, they must take several sips or shots. The game turns the usually undesirable gutter into a source of both amusement and drunkenness.

This game is fit for any size of the group. There’s only one rule: to keep the festivities simple yet entertaining. 

When you approach the lane, bowl as you typically would. But there’s a catch! The gutter ball means taking a drink.

The specific number of shots or sips rests in the hands of your party. This gives an element of flexibility that will suit your group’s dynamic. 

Since the game is uncomplicated, it is a perfect addition to any gathering. Whether you’re a professional or someone still finding their groove, ‘Gutter Drunk’ is that game that will transform every roll into a moment of amusement and cheer for you.

Make Rules Up as You Go

The only way to have unlimited fun is to be spontaneous and follow the flow. Gather your friends and take them to a bowling alley. 

Now that you are there, make up rules as you go and just have fun with the game!

Maybe it’s a sip for a spare or a shot for a strike. The beauty of this approach is that you can be as flexible as you want. Customize the games and adapt the rules based on your circle’s preferences and the overall vibe of the night.

Adding a twist to bowling with rules made up on the go can turn a dull night into an entertaining one. Making up rules as you go allows you to have fun in different ways that you imagine as you go along.

How do you Turn Bowling into a Drinking Game?

Making your own rules for a bowling drinking game can be so much fun. However, there are a few essential considerations to remember for a successful and enjoyable experience.

1. Fairness Is Key

Ensure your rules strike the right balance. This means that the rules should neither be too simple nor too difficult. If the rules are too easy, the game can get boring, but if the rules are very challenging, it can become frustrating.

2. Clarity Matters

Simplicity is key. Make your rules as straightforward as possible. Nobody wants to waste time deciphering clues and hints that lead to nothing. So, be very clear.

3. Safety First

Safety should be a top priority. Don’t make rules that could end up harming people, such as making them drink excessively, which can cause health issues.

4. Unleash Creativity

Let your imagination run wild. Think out of the box and devise rules that are creative and entertaining. The endless possibilities and innovative rules can add a unique spark to the game.

5. Embrace the Platform

Bowling games aren’t played only on alleys. If you’re playing on a medium like the Wii, you can go even crazier with the rules. Make rules that blend well with the virtual bowling experience. This makes it a whole new kind of fun.

You’re on the right track to create thrilling and entertaining bowling-drinking games when you follow these guidelines.

Whether you’re striking it up on the lanes or in the digital world, your custom rules will provide extra excitement to the game.

Should You Play Drinking Games at a Bowling Alley?

You can have a lot of fun by playing drinking and bowling games at the bowling alley. You can make a night out with your friends fun like never before. 

But before drinking and playing, you need to keep a few things in mind: 

First, ensure you play in a bowling arena that allows alcohol and such activities. Respecting the venue’s rules will allow you to have a smooth experience. 

In addition to this, you should always be mindful of your alcohol intake. It may affect your ability to bowl safely and responsibly, so you should be careful.

How to Make Drinking Games Safer at a Bowling Alley?

Safety is something you should never compromise on. Here’s how you can ensure that your bowling and drinking games stay fun and safe:

1. Know Your Limits

Keep track of how much you’re drinking. Don’t drink excessively. Remember that bowling requires focus and coordination, so excessive drinking might affect your performance.

2. Stay Hydrated

Take water in between drinking. It can help you stay hydrated and pace yourself throughout the evening.

3. Respect Others

Remember that you’re in a public space shared with others. Keep the noise level low and be respectful of other people’s experiences.

4. Designate a Driver

Don’t drink and drive. Assign someone who is sober to drive you and your friends home.

5. Mind the Venue’s Rules

Follow the rules of the bowling alley you are in. Different alleys have different rules. So, ensure you are aware of them and you stick to them.

6. Prioritize Fun

The primary goal is to have a great time with friends. However, suppose you feel like someone is being uncomfortable or feels unsafe; take a step back and acknowledge their feelings.


From sips to shots, gutter avoidance to royal predictions, these games transform a typical bowling night into an unforgettable experience. So, gather your pals, head to the bowling alley, and let the strikes, spares, and sips roll in for a night you won’t soon forget! 

Whether you’re a professional or just looking for a unique way to enjoy a night out, bowling and drinking games provide an exciting and memorable twist on both activities.

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