How Heavy Are Bowling Balls?

Bowling is so fun that we want to go for it every day. But sometimes, it can be tiring for your arms, especially if you don’t pick the right ball. 

You must have noticed that some bowling balls are heavy while others are very light. Is this a real difference, or does it change depending on the bowling alley? How heavy are bowling balls, actually?

Your questions are genuine, and we are here to answer them all. Bowling balls come in different sizes, so let’s discuss them more. 

How Heavy Are Bowling Balls?

Bowling balls can be pretty heavy, with the heaviest being 16 pounds. Do professional bowlers use bowling balls that heavy? Not really. 

Most male professional bowlers go for balls between 12 to 16 pounds, with the most common being 15.

Female professional bowlers generally go for balls anywhere between 10 to 14 pounds. The choice depends on their weight, but we will talk about this more later. 

If you are thinking of trying out the 16-pound bowling ball, you may be in for a disappointment. Most bowling alleys do not have such heavy balls. But who knows? You may get lucky and find one or two 16-pounders stashed in the corner. 

Even if you do come across the heaviest bowling ball, you shouldn’t just pick it up without thinking. What if it’s too heavy for you and injures you pretty badly? So as you can see, the weight of bowling balls is very important. 

Does Bowling Ball Weight Matter?

Yes, that is what we were talking about! Bowling ball weight is very important. A heavy ball is very hard to carry and throw, and it also requires a specific angle. Otherwise, it may go the wrong way and fall into the gutter. 

Lighter balls are easier to manage. But heavier balls deflect more when hitting the pins and thus can more easily knock them out. But remember, you need considerable force for them. 

Choosing the Right Bowling Ball Weight for You

Choosing the right bowling ball is very simple. The best ball for you is one whose weight is 10% of your body weight. But that does not mean it should exceed 16 pounds! 

If you weigh 150 pounds, don’t go for an 8-pound ball, or you will be uncomfortable or even get hurt! 

How Do You Know That Your Bowling Ball Is Too Heavy?

You cannot possibly dig out a calculator and a weight machine in a bowling alley to find a ball weighing 10% of your body weight. So what do you do

You stand still, hold your arm out with the palm facing upwards, and put a ball on your palm. Does that seem too heavy to carry? If yes, it is not the right one for you. 

You will be able to carry the right ball without struggling. Quite poetic, right?

How Heavy a Bowling Ball Is Right for Kids?

Kids are delicate, and they should play with delicate things. If you are a kid reading this, do not mess with balls heavier than 10 pounds! 

If you are a parent reading this, the best kid-friendly balls weigh 6, 8, and 10 pounds. Your first choice should be 8 pounds. Do not let your kids play with the heavier balls, even if they cry about it. It can be hard, but it is for their best. 

Can You Adjust the Weight of a Bowling Ball?

There is no right way to change the weight of balls. Trying to change it is so stupid, almost like ruining your hair by trying to save money and cutting your bangs yourself. You can try and drill balance holes in. But we can’t guarantee that the weight will change a lot. 

Why mess with the heavier balls when you can just go for a lighter one?

What Bowling Ball Weight Do Pro Bowlers Use?

Professional bowlers use balls that weigh 10% of their body weight, with a limit of 16 pounds. Professionals may be experts, but they are not creatures from another planet. The same theory that applies to everyone applies to them too! 

Even though the 16-pounder is the heaviest ball, most players choose the 15-pound one.  

What Are the Lightest and Heaviest Bowling Ball Weights?

The heaviest bowling balls are 16 pounds, and the lightest are 6 pounds. Professional bowlers use the heaviest ones, and the light ones are for kids. 


Bowling balls come in so many different sizes. So you have an open choice to choose one according to your weight. Don’t try to show off to your friends by choosing a heavier ball! You will surely get hurt!

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