How Much Does It Cost to Drill a Bowling Ball?

Are you one of those people who think bowling balls come with pre-drilled holes? To most people’s surprise, bowling balls don’t come with holes. You have to get them drilled yourself. But how much does it cost to drill a bowling ball?

In this article, we share a comprehensive guide on bowling ball drilling and how much it could weigh on your pocket. 

How Much Does It Cost to Drill a Bowling Ball?

Not much. You can get your bowling ball drilled for anywhere between $20 and $50

But these prices may differ from shop to shop. The cost would also depend on how many holes you want to get drilled.

Moreover, if the company you purchased your ball from offers drilling for a minimal additional charge, it can cost even less. 

Some companies go as far as offering free drilling services if you order your bowling ball from them. 

Factors Affecting the Cost to Drill a Bowling Ball

How much would it cost to get your personalized bowling ball drilled? The answer depends on various factors. We have compiled the 4 major factors that contribute to the cost of the drilling process.

The Location of the Shop 

It’s simple math – shops in bigger and more expensive areas will charge more for the drilling. Whereas if you live in a smaller town, you can expect lower prices. 

The Number of Holes

This is one of the major factors affecting the cost. The number of holes not only impacts how you hold the ball but also its behavior on the lane.

If you are going for the basic 3-hole drill, you will pay less. However,  having something fancy done with the holes can take a toll on the bill. 

Custom Drilling

Playing at a higher level means you have to start caring about little adjustments, as small things can have a huge impact.

So, getting the holes drilled according to your unique hand measurements will add to your bill. This is significant because it takes more time and expertise to drill the hole in a specific way compared to basic drilling. 

If You Have Finger Inserts Installed

Having finger inserts installed can also increase the cost.

Note: Finger inserts are used to smooth out the rough protrusions that sometimes occur after a bowling ball is drilled. These protrusions can make the ball uncomfortable to hold or function.

Extra Costs  

We should always keep in mind the accidental costs that can add to the bill. The bowling ball drilling process requires great care, precision, and delicacy.

It also requires some sort of protection, as there is always a possibility that the ball cracks. This is done by additional drilling protection.

This service is not usually included in the drilling fee. The drilling protection can cost anywhere between $8 and $15.

How Do You Know If Your Bowling Ball Is Drilled Correctly?

You have your newly purchased bowling ball drilled, but how do you know that it’s drilled correctly?

To determine how well your bowling ball is drilled, simply assess how nicely it fits your hand and if it complements your bowling style. We have compiled a list of checks you should perform to see if your ball is drilled correctly. 

Finger Insert Fitting

The finger holes should be drilled so they fit your fingers perfectly. Make sure that the holes aren’t too loose, as this would cause the ball to wobble. Holes that are too tight can lead to restricted movement and make the entire process uncomfortable. 

Thumb Hole Fitting

Your thumb hole should also sit in the hole perfectly without being too loose or too tight. A loose thumb hole is the worst nightmare of any bowler, as it results in the premature fall of the ball.

On the other hand, a tighter thumb hole will make it difficult to release the ball with ease. 

Pitches and Angles

The holes in a bowling ball are not drilled straight into the ball. They are drilled at an angle that naturally complements the combined grip of your fingers. If this angle doesn’t match your natural grip, you know something has gone wrong with the drilling. 

Ball Behavior

The way your ball reacts and behaves once you release it says a lot about the drilling. If it consistently hooks too early or too late even after multiple technique adjustments, there is something wrong with your drilling layout.  

Why People Get Their Bowling Balls Drilled

Why would anyone go through all this pain to get their bowling ball drilled anyway? Especially when they can just pick one with pre-drilled holes.

Having your bowling ball drilled has many benefits. Particularly if you are a regular or play at a competitive level. In such cases, getting your ball drilled is a necessity. Here are 5 key benefits of getting your bowling ball drilled:

Personalized Fit

Everyone has unique hand measurements. These include size, shape, and overall finger orientation. To match these variables perfectly, custom-drilled holes are crucial. 

Better Control

A ball that fits your hand can give you more control over your technique. It means you can stop worrying about releasing your ball too late or too early. It will land just when you want, the way you want. 

Lane Conditions

Different bowling alleys have unique lane conditions. This means that balls behave differently on the lanes at different alleys.

So, getting a custom-drilled ball for a particular bowling alley can help you win games. Different drilling layouts can result in optimized hook potential, tack flare, and overall smooth motion of the ball. 

The Skill Ladder

As you gain more experience, your skill level as a bowler will also increase. This means you will need adjustments in your ball.

By drilling new holes or following a new drilling layout, you can achieve these goals without always having to buy a new product.


It’s human nature, we want things to be personalized for us. Having a bowling ball that has your preferred feel can make a huge psychological impact. Ultimately, improving your performance.    

How Many Times Can a Bowling Ball Be Drilled?

It’s just a sphere, technically, you can drill an infinite number of holes in it until it can’t be drilled anymore. 

But, since you have to play with this ball, there is a limit to the number of times you can get it drilled. After it has reached its limit, your ball will become unusable.

If you are going to plug a ball, we recommend not doing it more than 3 times. This is because when you are drilling, you are disturbing the core material of your ball. 

But sometimes, you just need to perform some span adjustments. In such cases, you are essentially in the same area where the initial holes were drilled. 

Note: Remember, redrilling a ball will also change the way it behaves, as it overhauls its entire dynamic. 


Getting your bowling ball drilled is crucial if you are looking to compete at higher levels. This will provide you with a more personalized experience and improve your performance as you develop a relationship with your bowling ball. 

It can cost you anywhere between $20 and $50. But you want to spend your money at the right place. Do your research and get your ball drilled from a pro.

He will properly assess what drilling layout suits you best. So, get your ball drilled and ace it down in the alley.

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