How to Aim in Bowling? (The Ultimate Guide)

Bowling is a sport that allows friends and families to have fun while having a friendly competition. However, it takes skill to get a perfect score when bowling.

You need to master the art of aiming, body alignment, foot movement, and hand coordination to hit your target. However, a lack of bowling skills should never deter you from participating.

This guide gives tips on when and how to aim in bowling to hit the pockets, the importance of the arrows, and how to bowl a straight ball when you have a few pins standing far apart.

What to Aim at When Bowling?

As a new bowler, you may feel out of place, as you have no idea how to hold the aim, aim, or even throw. But don’t worry, as we’ve got you covered.

First, you need to know that there are ten pins, and they are arranged like a triangle. If you play pool, then you have a good idea. The first is PIN 1, followed by 2 and 3. These three are regarded as the pins to hit if you want to get a perfect or near-perfect score.

As such, you must choose your target carefully. Experts say it’s best to hit between pins 1 and 2 or between pins 2 and 3.

If you are a pro at aiming, try your luck at hitting pin 1 precisely in the middle. This causes the ball to shift its momentum to the pin, getting all of them to fall.

The Importance of Aiming Arrows

As a beginner, arrows are crucial as they will help improve your aim and ball control, thus enhancing your accuracy at hitting the target.

In a bowling lane, you will find seven arrows positioned approximately 12 to 15 feet from the foul line. These arrows offer a strategic advantage by allowing you to aim in a clear and controlled manner toward your target.

With the arrows guiding your path, your accuracy and focus will improve, reducing the likelihood of failed hits. Even novice bowlers can succeed by using these aiming arrows to guide their throws.

How to Aim in Bowling?

Now that you know what to aim at and how to use the arrows when bowling, let’s explore the nitty-gritty of aiming. If you want to get a perfect strike, then you need to follow this guide. 

Aiming in bowling involves a combination of body alignment, focus, and release techniques. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to aim when bowling.

Shift Your Focus

When bowling, you have two aiming approaches. These are pin bowling and spot bowling. 

If you’re new to bowling, it’s important to keep your attention on the pins as you throw the ball. These pins are your goal for achieving a strike. This is known as pin bowling. Rather than trying to focus on all the pins, concentrate on the first three pins closest to you.

Another popular method of bowling is spot bowling, which involves using arrows as a guide for aiming. The advantage of this approach is that it increases the chance of getting a perfect strike.

Arrows are spread out across the lane, and if you aim your ball accurately at them, you have a higher chance of hitting your target consistently.

Despite the pins being about 60 feet away, the arrows are the closest target to the bowler, making it easier to aim and hit accurately.

Align Your Approach

The way you stand when bowling plays a crucial role in hitting your target. Therefore, you must align your body appropriately. 

Before the foul line, you will notice three dots that run parallel to the lane in a single row. For right-handed individuals, it is recommended that you place your left foot on the dot located in the middle.

While doing so, ensure that your left shoulder points towards the target arrow. For left-handed bowlers, place your right foot on the left side of the center dot and ensure that your right shoulder is pointing toward the target arrow. 

Perfecting the Power Step

After ensuring your body alignment is correct, the next step is perfecting your movement to give your ball the momentum it needs to knock off all the pins.

To perfect your step, ensure that your foot’s movement is in sync with your target as you approach the foul line. This allows you to have a better ball release. Ensure that your feet never cross the foul line. Instead, your sliding feet should be placed close to the target arrow. 

Avoid this Rookie Mistake

The most common mistake many new bowlers make is focusing on the pins instead of the target arrow. Ensure your eyes are fixed on the target arrow until you release your ball. A common mistake is looking at the pins instead of your target arrow. 

Another common mistake is failing to follow through after releasing the ball. This reduces the ball rotation, thus lowering the level of accuracy. So once you’ve released the ball, ensure that your arm maintains the motion until it’s above your head. 

Troubleshooting Your Shot

If your shots consistently miss the pocket, you need to make several adjustments. This can be aligning your body differently. 

For instance, if you are missing the pocket area after targeting the left side, you should aim further left, and vice versa if you are missing on the right side.

Often,  a right-handed bowler misses the left hit because the ball is hooked too early. The same fix can also be applied to lefties.

Take Your Time

As with everything else, you need time to learn a new skill. Therefore, be patient with yourself. You must learn all the basics of how to aim in bowling. This includes body alignment, foot movement, aiming, curve creation, and ball release.

Make a point of going to the bowling alley once or twice a week to perfect your bowling skills.

Releasing the Ball

Releasing the ball is also a skill on its own. You don’t just throw it down the lane. You must nail down the art of releasing the ball, which requires extensive use of the fingers and wrist.

When releasing the ball, make sure you release it at the right time. Early release causes the ball to lose its velocity, and if released too late, the ball will bounce along the lane. Here’s how you can improve your bowling game by changing your ball release strategy.

Curving of the Ball

Since the pocket between pins 1, 2, and 3 are not in a straight line, you will need to curve the ball when throwing, and it’s not easy, even for veteran bowlers.

For instance, if you are right-handed, you should rotate your thumb to a 10 o’clock position when releasing. On the other hand, if you are left-handed, then you should turn your thumb to a 2 o’clock position. Rotating the ball gives it more spin as it glides down the lane towards the pins.

Keep Up the Flow

To bowl like a pro, you must maintain a smooth and consistent approach. This means that you must improve your body alignment, foot movement, fingers and wrist movement, and the use of the lane arrows.

And don’t forget to hit the bowling alley consistently to sharpen your aiming skills for perfect scores.

Don’t Push Yourself

Winning is part of human nature. You will feel disappointed when you don’t win. These feelings will force you to push yourself, and oftentimes, you’ll find yourself making simple mistakes.

If you find that all your throws are off, try and relax, and remember to have fun. You will notice that once you relax, your bowling game improves.

Where to Aim When Bowling a Straight Ball?

Sometimes, when you are bowling, there are instances where you will find that you have a few pins remaining that are far apart from each other. In such cases, you will be required to bowl a straight ball. This is where your aiming skill is tested.

First, you must change the ball to a plastic or urethane ball. Then, use the arrows to focus on the target pin and aim at it.


Gathering friends and heading to your nearby bowling alley can be a great way to enjoy some lighthearted fun.

Even if you’re a complete newbie who’s never picked up a bowling ball before, this guide can provide all the required information to turn you into an experienced and confident bowler.

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