What Does The Red Circle Mean In Bowling?

Are you a fan of bowling? So are we! Who isn’t, right? 

Bowling is a serious sport, and it’s not as simple as throwing a ball toward the pins and praying that it hits the spot. 

Anyone who’s ever bowled has seen a suspicious red circle appear on the screen when they mess up a throw. But you might wonder what that red circle means in bowling.

There are only a few people who know the basics of bowling; if you aren’t one of them, there’s no need to worry. We’ve got you covered! 

What Does the Red Circle Mean in Bowling? 

If a red circle pops on your screen when bowling, it means you have failed to hit even a single pin. If the ball rolls at the wrong angle, the red circle will appear. 

Very few moments in life can compare with the absolute bliss of getting a strike while bowling. However, if a red circle appears on the screen, you are in for disappointment. 

The red circle can be your biggest enemy because it shows that you still have pins left to target. You reach your goal once all ten pins fall, and your team wins. 

Bowling is as much a game of chance as any other. So, even if you don’t score the points you want, you can blame it on the system. 

On the other hand, if you want a more elaborate excuse, these are the two major different scoring systems used for pins: 

You score 1 point if they are knocked over. 

You score 2 points if you hit two or more pins in a row. 

In Bowling, Which Mark Displays a Gutter Ball?

A gutter ball is the most common ball for beginners; it’s also very annoying. It’s what happens when the ball rolls toward the corner of the alley and doesn’t hit anything! 

This is a wretched, wretched thing in bowling. We hope you never get it, but you are bound to come across a few when you are beginning to learn how to bowl. And that’s okay! 

In fact, you must have had a gutter ball at least once in your bowling experience already, but it is quite possible you didn’t know its name back then.

A gutter ball is the one that betrays you and goes off the lane into the sides, hitting zero balls. Bowling lanes are typically 42 inches wide, which is still not wide enough for a gutter ball. It swerves to the sides, falling into any of the two gutters (generally 9.25 inches wide).  

This type of ball is usually followed by sighs and “oh nos.” A bowler does not score any points even if the ball magically turns back to the lane and hits some pins. 

So, what do you see on the screen as a sad reminder of your ball gone wrong? A plain dash where the points should have been.

What Is the Hidden Pin Called in Bowling?

Imagine you slide a ball across the alley and get lucky enough to get two strikes from behind the same pin numbers. Sounds pretty impossible, right? But it is not. 

The hidden pin is not something common in bowling, so it’d be unique if it happened to you. 

When it does happen, you may get three potential outcomes: 1-5, 8-9, or 3+10. So, the number of frames you choose to play before starting those extra innings would give you five available scores for the game. 

If this is enough to motivate you to land this feat, you should believe in yourself and give it your best. Nothing is impossible with the right determination! 

In Bowling, How Do You Describe Two Strikes in a Row?

A strike is the ultimate goal in bowling. Everyone longs for that feeling when their thrown ball crashes into the pins, throwing them all to the ground in one fabulous bang. But is this the end? 

Should you be satisfied just because you were able to knock down all ten pins in one go? Absolutely not. You should go for two strikes, which are interestingly called a “Barney Rubble”! Can you imagine?

This means that if you are skilled enough to knock over all ten pins in your first two strikes, or any two consecutive strikes for that matter, you score a “Barney Rubble” or a “double”!

A Barney Rubble can be quite a fascinating landmark for beginners in bowling. An “X” represents one strike on the score sheet, and if you get two, you deserve a pat on the back! 

Do you want to know what three strikes are called? A classic Turkey! Some scoreboards even show a flapping turkey if you strike all pins three times in a row. This should be enough ammunition to push you toward that third strike! 

The Turkey is the most popular strike victory. But to get there, you need to pass the first strike landmark, also known as Jim J. Bullock. Confused? Jim J. Bullock is a game show host who appeared on Hollywood Squares, where X is pitted against O in tic-tac-toe. 

So, if you get one strike, you have yourself a Jim J. Bullock. 

Get two Jim J. Bullocks, and you have yourself a Barney Rubble. 

And if you are lucky enough to land three Jim J. Bullocks, prepare to see a Turkey dancing for you on the scoreboard! 

How Do You Describe the Role of a Bowling Ball? 

Bowling balls came into existence in the early 1980s. They have undergone a Cinderella-like makeover since then in their technological structure, both in terms of the internal core and external coverstocks. 

If this is getting too technical to understand, don’t worry – it is too technical for us to worry about!

But what does a bowling ball do? It can have several different roles. But at the end of the day, it is the essential tool that can make or break your game. That is why it’s important to choose the right kind of bowling ball compatible with your skills. 


Now you know what the obnoxious red circle that appears on the screen means. Gone are the days when you had to squint at the scoreboard trying to understand what it was and what you did wrong to incur its wrath. 

No matter what it stands for, the red circle is an important symbol in bowling, and you should keep an eye out for it to win your game. Happy bowling!

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