What Is a Split In Bowling: Decoding Bowling Splits

Imagine the bowling lane turning into a challenge zone. It’s not just about knocking things over anymore. Those sneaky pins are like little troublemakers with a plan of their own.

They’re constantly testing your skills and strategy. And, guess what? You’re totally up for the challenge.

But let’s not beat around the bush. We’re going to cover everything, from the ones that look easy-breezy to those that even leave the pros scratching their heads.

Now, let’s tackle a question that’s probably bouncing around in the minds of bowlers everywhere as we continue this journey: What’s the deal with the trickiest split in bowling?

Brace yourself because we’re about to spill the beans and uncover the secrets that turn certain splits into legendary head-scratchers.

So get ready to explore the captivating world of bowling splits, whether you’re a seasoned pro or stepping onto the bowling lane for the very first time. 

What Is a Split Ball in Bowling? 

You know the coolest part about bowling? It’s like when you’re all focused on getting a strike, and then suddenly, bam! A split ball comes into play.

It’s like that plot twist you never saw coming in a movie. Picture this: you’re sending the ball down the lane, hoping for a perfect strike, giving it your all.

But hold on, there’s more. Sometimes, the pins have their own ideas. It can all be a little confusing due to the physics involved.

When the dust settles, and the pins are still standing in an interesting arrangement, that’s when you’ve got yourself a split ball. They seem to be yelling, “Well, hello! We’re not giving up that simply, though.”

So, you see, even in the world of strikes and spares, there’s room for a little unexpected challenge. A split ball is that twist that keeps things interesting, a reminder that even the most skilled bowlers sometimes face a puzzle they didn’t see coming.

How Do You Get a Split in Bowling?

Throw in science, strategies, and skills, and give it a quick mix; that’s bowling for you. When you roll that ball down the lane, it’s a dance of lots of moving parts.

Now, a split—that tricky situation where pins are standing all spread out—doesn’t just happen by chance. It’s like a result of a bunch of cool things coming together.

Imagine you’re up at the start of the lane; you’ve got a ball in hand, and you’re ready to give it a throw. Every little move you make sets off a chain reaction.

The ball’s path is affected by stuff like how fast you roll it, how it’s spinning, and even the condition of the lane.

So when you see those pins all spread out in a split, it’s not just random. It’s a mix of factors like a puzzle being put together in real time.

And you? Even if things don’t always turn out how you planned, you’re still always the one controlling all the pieces.

Things like the speed of the ball and how fast it goes down the lane they’re more than just some simple numbers.

If it’s too fast, the pins might scatter in all directions, missing that neat split setup. But if it’s too slow, the pins might not behave as you’d expect, leading to a less tricky arrangement.

The spin also adds a touch of finesse to your throw. The way the ball rotates can change how it hits the pins, which, in turn, affects their path and groupings.

The combo of spin and how fast the ball is going plays a role in how the pins interact with each other and the lane itself. What makes bowling a game of skill and strategy is adding a twist to your shot.

But the stage where this whole show happens—the lane—isn’t all the same. The lane’s condition is not simply a one-size-fits-all deal.

Stuff like oil patterns and wear come into play, adding a twist to the mix. How the oil’s spread across the lane affects how the ball behaves. It might hook or slide differently, changing its path and how it hits the pins.

When all these things line up just right, you get a split. The angle at which the ball meets the pins is key.

If it’s not smacked in the center, the pins might bounce off the backboard, setting up a chain reaction that ends in that intriguing split formation. It’s like a puzzle waiting for your skillful touch.

How Many Types of Splits Are There in Bowling?

In the world of bowling, where skill and strategy come together, you’ve got a bunch of splits to deal with. These are the moments when a few pins choose to stay upright, throwing a curveball at even the top-notch bowlers.

Let’s take a plunge into this world of splits, starting from the ones that look manageable and ending with the ones that truly give your skills and creativity a run for their money.

Baby Split

Let’s start with the baby split. This is the simpler end of the split spectrum. It’s like a friendly introduction. The pins are just a bit apart, like the 2-7 or 3-10 setup.

They might have a gap, but they’re not the trickiest. You can really strategize your very own way to victory here.

Side-by-Side Splits

Here, the pins cozy up side by side, like the 4-5 or 5-6 splits. They might look easy-peasy at first, but the real test is getting your ball to hit the sweet spot and knock them both down.

Bed Posts

Picture this: two pins standing like they’re guarding opposite corners, just like a goalpost. It’s like aiming for a bullseye through the eye of a needle. You need to be spot-on with both accuracy and a touch of finesse.

Big Four

The big four in bowling is a tricky split where you’ve got four pins left, and they’re all in a special setup. It’s famous for being a tough one and needs some real precision and skill to knock each pin down, one after the other.

Big Five

Just like the big four, the big five leaves you with five pins standing after your first throw. It’s kind of a tricky split in which careful thinking and precise bowling are required to knock down all those pins.

Big Six

When it comes to tricky splits in bowling, the big six really catches your eye with those six pins spread out. Turning the big six into a spare or strike takes some clever tactics and requires nailing those precise shots.


Picture a bucket hanging on each side of the lane; that’s the 2-3-5-9 split. It’s not just about hitting the pins, but also understanding the angles to make the best collision happen.

Sour Apple

The sour apple split, with its catchy name, brings a different pin setup to the game. Just like other splits, it calls for bowlers to get a little creative and think outside the box to handle its unique challenges.

Cocked Hat

The cocked hat split might have a quirky name, but it’s a pretty intriguing setup. Getting the hang of it takes a mix of precision and a touch of imagination as you try to steer your ball through the pins for a winning shot.

Fast Eight

Fast eight is a unique kind of split. When you come across this one, as a bowler, you’ve got to concentrate on both your speed and precision to handle those pins just right.

Double Wood

Here, there’s a pin right in front of another. It’s like a double challenge. To get around it, you’ve got to place the ball carefully to avoid any unwanted surprises.

Tap Split

Imagine just one pin with a gap; that’s the 8-10 split. Seems simple, but hitting it just right is crucial. One wrong move, and you’re left with that frustrating single-pin standing.

Flat Split

Think pins lined up in a straight row, like the 4-6 split. Think of it as a visual puzzle that you solve with accuracy and just the right angle.

The 3-10 Split

The 3-10 split is like a tricky puzzle with pins standing at opposite ends of the pin deck. It’s a real challenge that needs you to be super precise and figure out just the right angle to knock down both the 3-pin and the 10-pin in one shot.

The 2-7 Split

The 2-7 split, well, that’s when you’ve got those two pins, the 2-pin and the 7-pin, hanging out on opposite sides of the pin deck.

To tackle this one, you’ve got to be spot-on with your aim and tweak your shot’s angle just right to increase your odds of knocking both of ’em down.

The 1-7 Split

The 1-7 split is when you’ve got one pin at one end of the pin deck and the 7-pin all the way on the other side. To nail this one, you need to be spot-on with your aim and make a perfectly placed shot to pick up that spare.

The 6-7 Split

The 6-7 split, which is when you’ve got the 6-pin and the 7-pin hanging out on one side of the pin deck with a gap in between, can be a real head-scratcher. To tackle it like a pro, bowlers need to be spot-on with their ball’s path and spin to take down both pins.

The 3–7 Split (or 2–10)

The 3–7 split, sometimes called the 2–10 split, is a tricky situation in bowling. Here, you’ve got the 3 and 7 pins (or the 2 and 10 pins) standing all lonely on opposite sides of the pin deck.

Overcoming this challenge requires some spot-on aiming and a pro-level shot to knock down those widely spaced pins.

The  4–7–10 and 6–7–10 

Pins like the 4–7–10 and 6–7–10 create some tricky situations. In these cases, you’ll see three pins left standing, but they’re spread out quite a bit. This is where your math and precision come into play as you figure out how to knock down that last pin or two.


This one’s gutsy. Got three pins here, two there. Can you fill in?


In the 4-5-7-8 or 5-6-7-8 setups, the Woolworth split is a big challenge. It’s about hitting the right spot and adapting fast.

Greek Church Split

This one’s like a church in pin form. Think of the 4-6-7-9-10 split. It’s a tricky one, and it challenges you a lot.

Picket Fence Split

Basically, this looks like pins lined up like a fence. This one is just all about precision. You need a shot that smoothly slices through this lineup.

The Impossible Split

It’s in the name, eh? Taking on this type of split is like reaching for the stars and above. You need skills and creativity in a combo to even think about nailing these.


Here, it’s all about that stubborn corner pin that’s standing tall, like the 1-2-10 or 1-3-6-7 setups. It’s like a challenge where you’re up against most odds, aiming to make that one crucial move.

What Is the Hardest Split in Bowling?

In the world of bowling splits, each with its own mix of challenges and smarts, one takes the cake for testing a bowler’s finesse and skill. It’s the infamous 7-10 split.

This split has a rep as the pinnacle of tough, drawing in bowlers who want to tackle its complexity.

The 7-10 split is often called the “bedpost” split because it’s like having two pins standing at opposite corners, a bit like the posts of a bed. Imagine it: these two pins, standing tall and bold, as far apart as can be.

As your ball heads down the lane, nailing this split isn’t just about being spot-on; it’s also about nailing the timing, which seems almost too tricky to pull off.

To take on this split, a bowler has to nail a shot with amazing accuracy. The ball’s got to hit one pin just right, not only knocking it down but also giving it the push to bounce across the lane and slam into the other pin. It’s like a gentle dance of physics and geometry, where even the smallest distance matters.

What makes the 7-10 split tough is the way the ball’s got to bounce back. It has to smack the first pin at an angle that makes it rebound toward the opposite corner so it can take down the second pin with a bang. It’s a precision game that’s almost like aiming for perfection.

The bowler’s got to figure out the lane’s condition, how fast the ball’s going, the angle it’s coming in at, and how it’s spinning. All these pieces mesh to make a shot that defies the odds.

Nailing that 7-10 split? It’s like giving a big ol’ high-five to challenges and saying, “You won’t bring me down!” This is the essence of bowling right here—a mix of know-how, a game plan, and a pure never-give-up attitude.

It’s like saying, “Lane, I’ve got your number,” dealing with whatever comes your way and then throwing a shot that’s like, “Physics, let’s bend the rules a bit!”

As bowlers get ready to take on the challenging 7-10 split, they’re jumping into a whole world of thrill and possibilities. It’s not only about hitting that split perfectly; it’s about aiming for the stars.

The determination to go for perfection when facing the 7-10 split is what fuels the passion and keeps everyone—whether you’re playing just for fun or you’re a serious competitor—totally hooked on bowling.


From the friendly and approachable baby split that’s perfect for beginners all the way to the tough 7-10 split that even the pros find challenging, the adventure is a mix of different hurdles that lead to some seriously satisfying victories.

Going for those splits, even if they seem a bit tricky, actually teaches a really important part of bowling—being adaptable.

So picture yourself getting ready to roll that ball down the lane, and just pause for a second to think about all the different kinds of splits waiting for you.

They really make you get creative, roll with surprises, and pull off some seriously cool moves that totally level up your bowling game.

Hitting that split isn’t just another point earned; it’s like a high-five from your progress as a bowler. As those pins tumble and the challenges keep coming your way, remember that bowling is a journey that’s always evolving—just like life.

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